There are some things that pop up now and then that I just can't get enough of. These are a few of those things.
These pins seem to pop up quite a bit on my Pinterest as "suggested for you". I always seemed to pass them by after trying a brownie in a cup long ago and it tasting terrible. Somehow this cookie in a cup caught my eye and I pinned and actually tried (!!). Since then I've made it about 20 times. I even doubled the recipe one night thinking about how much I loved this cookie! I love sweets more than the average person...and the double recipe was too much for even me. The single recipe is plenty and super easy and quick to make.
I've never seen this show so I have no clue what it's about, but my friend at work showed me this clip and we were laughing hysterically at it as she was telling me how it's exactly like her and her boyfriend working out together.
I've rocked Rocco to sleep for all 22 months of his life now. I've read countless articles, books, blogs, etc on "sleep training" and the like. I've had both welcome and unwelcome advice on what I should and shouldn't be doing to get him to sleep and keep him asleep. He slept "through the night" less than a handful of times in his first 18 months of life. Finally at 18 months he was sleeping through the night more often than he wasn't. We've had plenty of setbacks/regressions/whatever you want to call it since then and he still doesn't sleep through 100% of the time, but more often than not, he does. And I'll take however many full nights sleep as he will give me; some are better than none in this house. I love rocking him to sleep. I know plenty of people will claim that my rocking him is the reason it took so long to get him sleeping consistently, but frankly I think that's a bunch of BS. My rocking has been consistent and he's sleeping now, so clearly it's not preventing him from sleeping through the night. We had plenty of other struggles that I would be willing to bet money on being the cause of him waking so often. Regardless, this article was spot on. "When it's a bad day, it's her at her best, and I finally get an opportunity - sometimes for the first time that day - to be at mine". I work full time as many mamas do. On especially long days/weeks I get, if I'm lucky, 3 hours out of the entire day with my sweet boy while we are both awake. If rocking him to sleep means I get 3 hours and 15 minutes instead of just 3 hours, then I'll take it. Judge on judgers. "I'll enjoy a few minutes of being a mama, without the hard parts. Someday, she'll learn to fall asleep without me. But while I'm here and she still fits so perfectly against me, we rock".
No link here. I just really love that Meijer bakery gives out free cookies to occupy my sweet babe while we shop.
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