8 months.
8 months.
19 pounds 9.8 ounces. Wearing 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
Feeding Schedule
Around 7.5 months we started sending some food to school. We just started with a few purees which he likes to eat while he's there. He will only eat a few bites of purees at home and then shakes his head and tries to hit the spoon away. He does still love oatmeal at home though. His teachers started him on puffs and cheerios as well which he loves to do himself.
He still nurses on demand which is usually every 3-4 hours. He takes his bottles at school closer to every 4 hours. Some days he finishes them and some days he only takes a few ounces from each. He won't take a bottle from anyone other than his daycare teachers and sometimes me. Joe and my mother in law have both tried and he refuses.
He has seemed to drop the nursing session right after we get home from work/daycare as they usually give him his last bottle around 3:30/4:00pm. Every now and then he will want to nurse when we get home, but I think it's mostly for comfort.
We continue to struggle with sleep. He had one 5 hour stretch this month, but that was the longest he's gone. He absolutely will not stay asleep in his crib at home even though he takes two decent naps at school in a crib. His morning nap is usually an hour and his afternoon nap has been anywhere from 1.5 - 2 hours. At home he will only nap while held and will only stay asleep longer than 10 minutes at night if he's next to me in my bed. He wakes up several times a night still and usually nurses 2-4 times in the night. He does sleep on his belly more and more and that does seem to make him more comfortable (and me more nervous). He doesn't nap at all in the car on the way home from school anymore.
He loves blowing raspberries with his tongue and will copy me when I do it to him.
He can find and grab his pacifier and put it back in the right way.
He learned how to clap this month and it's so cute! He loves copying and doing it when you ask him to. He also learned "so big" and will do it the majority of the time when asked.
His bald spot on the back of his head finally seems to be growing back in.
He loves to bend way forward while sitting and then fall onto his belly.
He's definitely reached, and stayed in, the stage of separation anxiety! He cries/screams every time I walk away and often when I even look away. He was franticly screaming at the doctor's office the other day when she held him for just a second within eyesight of me.
He loves blowing raspberries with his tongue and will copy me when I do it to him.
He can find and grab his pacifier and put it back in the right way.
He learned how to clap this month and it's so cute! He loves copying and doing it when you ask him to. He also learned "so big" and will do it the majority of the time when asked.
His bald spot on the back of his head finally seems to be growing back in.
He loves to bend way forward while sitting and then fall onto his belly.
He's definitely reached, and stayed in, the stage of separation anxiety! He cries/screams every time I walk away and often when I even look away. He was franticly screaming at the doctor's office the other day when she held him for just a second within eyesight of me.
Favorite Things
Chewing on everything, playing with toys, his brother, and baths.
Least Favorite Things
Chewing on everything, playing with toys, his brother, and baths.
Least Favorite Things
Being set down, sleeping without being held, and diaper/clothes changes.
He still seems to have bad belly a lot of the time so we have been giving gas drops before bed which seem to help him not be so uncomfortable. I did start taking Fenugreek this month and I'm wondering if that upset his stomach.
His eczema has been really intense this month. He has large patches on his elbows and legs and smaller patches all over. We use Aveeno eczema lotion and that does seem to calm it down.
His eczema has been really intense this month. He has large patches on his elbows and legs and smaller patches all over. We use Aveeno eczema lotion and that does seem to calm it down.
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