9 months
9 months
20 pounds. 28 inches long. Wearing 12 month clothes and size 3 diapers. We started using the smallest size nighttime diapers as well.
There are a few purees he's liked a little more this month. The combination ones and the frozen fruit ones are his favorites. But mostly he likes to feed himself so we've been doing more finger foods. Puffs, crunchers, steamed veggies, pancakes, toast, Cheerios.
Still nursing demand, every 3-4 hours. Still 3 5oz bottles at school. Still nursing 2-4 times at night.
This month we moved the crib out of our room and into Rocco's room. I had met with his pediatrician about how terribly he was sleeping at home but how great he naps at daycare. She said she was pretty sure it's situational. He knows they won't run to him the second he cries when set in his crib, and he knows I'm not there, so he naps. At home he knows I'll hold him for naps and take him to my bed at night. She thought with the crib right next to my bed I probably wouldn't make much progress. I decided that night to move it to Rocco's room. He would wake up as soon as I set him down but I would pat his butt for awhile and he would go to sleep. His first night in there he slept a 3 hour stretch which was the longest he's ever slept in there. We had a few nights like that and a few morning naps in the crib on the weekends. There was even a Saturday that I set him down awake and he put himself to sleep and then stayed asleep for an hour! I was still taking him to my bed halfway through the night because I was just so tired and did not want to be bent over the crib patting his back for 30 minutes every time he woke up. I still felt like we were doing decent though. Then all of a sudden it went down hill and he would not sleep at all in there. Turns out he had another ear infection. So he's back in our bed for now because it's just easier. Once his ears are clear I'll start over with the crib "training".
He's still taking 2 naps per day...usually around 9:30am and 1:30pm. The morning one is usually 1-1.5hrs and the afternoon one is usually 1.5-2hrs. At home he's still mostly held for naps.
He's started scooting in full circles and sometimes backwards while sitting.
Just the other day he started rocking back and forth on his hands and knees.
He loves pulling off his socks to chew on them.
He can stand quite awhile if I'm helping him.
He loves being held most of all. He does have times where he is content playing with his basket of toys, but usually only if I'm near him.
He likes to sit on the kitchen floor and play with Tupperware while I make dinner most nights.
He also likes his walker and will snack on puffs while he's in it while I was bottles. As of now he can only move backwards in it.
He also still loves baths and being outside.
He also still loves baths and being outside.
Being left alone.
Favorite Gear/Products
We haven't been using much this month besides his walker.
He's had a cold pretty much all month. Lots of snot, a cough, and really goopy eyes.
He was diagnosed with his third ear infection and put on an oral antibiotic as well as a drop for his eyes.
We haven't been using the gas drops as much this month since he hasn't seemed uncomfortable. The antibiotic does give him diarrhea though so I thought in his tummy may hurt from that, but otherwise he hasn't seemed gassy.
I stopped taking the Fenugreek since it didn't seem to help and maybe that's helped with his belly too.
I've started adding dairy back into my diet (I cut it out when he was 5 weeks old) and he hasn't seemed too bothered by it. I've tried adding it in here and there in the past and he had been noticeably uncomfortable, so maybe he's growing out of it now.
Sibling Interaction
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