Monday, June 29, 2015

Rewind the weekend

Joe and I both work full time during the week. He as an athletic trainer and strength coach at a local high school, and me as a radiation therapist at the cancer center affiliated with our local hospital. While we both have demanding/busy/sometimes high stress jobs, we really enjoy what we do and have worked hard to get these positions. But no matter how much I love my job, I LIVE for the weekends when I get to spend quality time with my loves. I never knew until after I had Rocco (which was after too many years of college, too many switched majors, too much student loan debt, and the relief of passing the all important board exam) that I would want to be a stay at home mom. Unfortunately, because of the above reasons, that won’t be in the cards for me. So I have to make the most of my nights and weekends (as I’m sure so many moms in similar situations do). I bet it’s true what they say about the grass always being greener…in fact, my two very best girl friends are stay at home moms and I know that position comes with its fair share of struggles.  

Anyhow…another weekend flew by…it sure was a good one though! 
Friday night after work we packed up Rocco with his snacks and toys in tow to visit some friends who have spent the last year building a new house and finally got to move in. They don’t live far from us but we’ve learned to be prepared while toting our babe around. Before becoming parents we mostly hung on the weekends with a group of friends nicknamed The Bubble. They’re a group of 7 couples including us that have been friends for years. It was one of those couples that we were visiting, admiring their beautiful new house. It was so great catching up with them and most of the rest of The Bubble that stopped by, as we really don’t get together near as much as we used to. We were home early for Rocco’s bedtime…Friday nights aren’t quite what they used to be…and I’m more than ok with that! 

Saturday we mostly just ran errands during the day (bathing suit shopping for me while Joe and Rocco had some guy time with Hugo at the dog park) and the evening was saved for date night! We rarely get a sitter to go out since we really don’t have a lot of time as a family, but I’ve come to realize that it really is important to get a few hours away with just Joe and I sometimes. We have a really amazing sitter who was Rocco’s lead teacher in the infant room at daycare who he loves so much. He has a hard time warming up to people and is a real mama’s boy which makes it hard to leave. He adores our sitter though and we are so lucky to have her! I’ll post a re-cap of our date night later this week.
Sunday was beautiful weather and Joe got out to golf with some friends. Rocco and I ran some errands, went to a nearby park, and grabbed some lunch at Subway (where he ended up only eating bbq potato chips and chocolate milk…mom fail?) before he took a much needed 2.5 hour nap. On a side note…he used to be possibly the world’s “worst” sleeper…almost never sleeping without being held the first 6 or so months of life, and rarely (5 times or less…and that’s being generous) sleeping through the night until 18 months. Even now at 19 months (so silly counting months…I’d rather say one and a half for any age between 15 months and 2 years!) he still has nights that he wakes and often is up for the day between 5 and 6:30a.m. So long story short…a 2.5 hour nap is a real win in this house! After that we headed out to another park and to grab some ice cream before meeting back up with Joe at home for dinner, a walk, bath, and bedtime.  
 Such a great weekend that seemed to really right by. Looking forward to a short work week (Thursday and Friday off!!) before heading to the beach with friends next weekend.  
 Much Love,

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