Saturday, July 25, 2015

Summer Bucket List: Sprinkles Doughnut Shop

I've driven past the strip mall it sits in several times and always mean to go in...but I've always got somewhere else to be so I keep on driving. Then I see the name pop up on Facebook on what always seems like a Sunday when they're closed. Finally I remembered on a Saturday morning that I wanted to check out Sprinkles Doughnut Shop.
Rocco is my trusty "cheat on my diet" buddy...I can always count on him to indulge in all the sweets he can with me. It definitely didn't disappoint! A huge glass case of dozens of different doughnuts just waiting for us to try. I picked out the 2 biggest ones I could find, grabbed a large coffee, and sat down with my sweet buddy for our morning sugar overload.
Can't wait for our next doughnut date!
Much Love,

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Rocco's 20 Month Update

During Rocco's first year I kept notes on my phone of his milestones because I knew I would never remember later when he met them. Soon after he turned one my notes became more sporadic and of course now I can't remember when certain words were added to his vocabulary, when he started being so funny, when he began to mimic and understand so much, and when he turned into more of a boy than a baby. The milestones do seem fewer after 1, but I would still like to remember the details of him growing up since it seems to be happening in the blink of an eye.
Size: 30lbs 34inches. He's been this size for a few months now. I think he gained a few pounds and grew an inch just before his 18  month appointment and has plateaued since then.
Newest Words: "Mine!" I don't remember exactly when this one started but it seemed to come out of nowhere! We don't call anything "mine" at home so I was surprised to hear him all of a sudden start labeling absolutely everything as "mine!" He's used the words "this" and "that" for sometime, but recently started saying "that?" about things he wants you to name or explain.
Tricks: Although it started before 20 months he still loves pointing out body parts as you name them and can distinguish between "Rocco's ___" and "Mama's ___" (hair, head, nose, ears, etc...). He knows a few animal sounds: dog, snake, lion, bear, monkey. He will still do all his old tricks: show me the money, how big are you, etc. He loves to stomp, clap, dance, and "be crazy". He will sing while rocking his rocking chair in his room. He says "yeah" to just about every yes or no question you ask.
Books/Videos: He isn't quite as into his books as he used to be...but he does like his truck book and his Little People look and find farm book. He loves watching his videos, which he calls "buh" (bus) before and after naps and before bed at night. We switch between Super Simple Learning Songs and Little Baby Bum. Both are nursery rhyme videos on utube.
Toys: He still doesn't really play on his own a whole lot at home...although it's more than he used to. I'm sure he plays on his own at daycare since he can't possibly have one on one all the time there. He almost always wants me to play with him at home and I don't force him to entertain himself. I'm sure if I pushed it more, he would, but I enjoy playing together so right now it's a non issue. No one toy keeps him occupied for long periods of time at this point. He has a race track and a v-tech bike that he plays with pretty much every day along with his vacuum. He often asks to go downstairs and gets really excited when we say yes. I keep a lot more toys down there and he really likes his slide and still loves pushing his push toys, usually while running. He has a ball pit that he plays with pretty regularly downstairs as well.
Play: He loves more than anything to play outside. He will play with his cozy coupe and bike in the driveway for hours.
Sleep: Dare I say he is (whisper, fingers crossed, knock on wood) sleeping through the night?! It's been a LONG time coming in this house. His sleep or lack there of deserves it's own post, but I think around 18 months he started sleeping through the night about 3 or 4 nights a week. Then it just seemed like all of a sudden it was getting more and more regular until it was most nights. At this point he seems to be sleeping through every night unless he doesn't feel well. This past week he had a really bad cold and ended up in our bed for a night, but was back to sleeping through the next night. He usually goes down between 8:00pm-8:30pm and gets up around 6:00am-6:30am.
He also just recently started napping better at home. It seemed as though he was always napping better at daycare during the week than he was at home on the weekends. At daycare he pretty consistently naps 2-2.5hrs. At home I was lucky to get 1 hour straight. But all of a sudden about a month ago he started sleeping about 2 hours pretty consistently without waking. There have even been 2.5-3hr naps here and there. And today I saw him sit up at one point during his nap, look around, lay back down, and go back to sleep without a peep! Progress in this house for sure!!
Food: He seems to go on kicks where he will eat the same thing for a long time and then all of a sudden completely refuse it. When he was littler it was bananas. Sometimes it was the ONLY thing I could get him to eat for dinner, then he refused them completely for a long time. Now it's yogurt. He eats a yogurt for breakfast every morning soon after waking up even though he eats breakfast again at 8am at daycare. He's been eating a yogurt each morning for months and just recently started telling me no when I offer it. He still loves most fruit: grapes, watermelon, strawberries, bananas, apples. He will eat some veggies...mostly carrots. He used to eat a lot more when he was just starting on solids. He eats a lot of pouches still which are a complete life saver since he doesn't eat a lot of solid veggies. He eats a pouch with lunch and dinner every day. He likes penne pasta with red sauce, chicken, grilled cheese, toast, veggie straws, bologna, pizza, etc. He will try most things that we offer. We finally tried peanut butter for the first time today -- I had been so nervous about trying it...for no reason really, he clearly did not have an allergic reaction, but he didn't like it either.
Potty Training: We haven't started and really don't have a set plan to at this point. Joe did pick up a potty seat to have in the bathroom but so far Rocco won't go near it. We've asked a few times if he wants to sit on it, but he just shakes his head no. We figured we will just leave it set up in the bathroom and let him get used to it.
Pacifier: Still totally addicted and I'm fine with it for now. He mostly just has it for naps and bedtime and when he's in his car seat. I don't have any plans of trying to wean from it until he's at least 2.
 Car seat: He's been in the convertible seat for a few months now due to his weight. Still facing backwards. Loves holding my hand during car rides.
I feel like I struggled quite a bit as a new mom for a long time. The first few months were really hard. Each month some things got easier just in time for something new to pop up that, in the moment, seemed so challenging. It took me quite a while to feel like I got in my groove and started to have a handle on things. I have to say, once we turned the corner of turning 1 things seemed to get a little easier. We still had plenty of challenges with sleeping, illness, 2 sets of tubes, etc., but I really feel like Rocco's personality has come out so much more these last few months. I love this age (aside from the temper tantrums that I was shocked to learn started so young!) and I wish I could pause time and keep him at this age forever.
Much Love,

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Rewind The Weekend

Another weekend flew by and surprisingly this week is flying by too since tomorrow is already Thursday and I'm just now getting around to posting about the weekend.
On Friday night we got together with Joe's best friend and his wife and kids. We used to see them all the time but since having kids time with friends has been a little harder to come by for all of us. The last time we spent time together as couples with kids was New Year's Eve which seems so long ago now!
The weather was perfect so we sat out in the driveway drinking sangria while the kids played. We were able to catch up on all we have going on in between refilling bubble guns and taking breaks from playing to eat ice cream. The best kind of summer night!
On Saturday morning we drove to Holland to get some of Hugo's energy out at the dog park. He loves going and Joe takes him quite often. There's a really cute children's park just across the parking lot so Rocco and I headed there to play while Joe ran some laps with Hugo. This is definitely one of the best parks we have been to this summer. There's so much that Rocco is able to do and few things that are too big for him that I need to worry about him falling off of like at a few of the local parks.
He found a ball under the play structure at one point and was so excited to play "fetch" with himself. We decided to go exploring and check out a bridge just past the park. He was really interested in watching the water pass under the bridge and I could see the little wheels turning in his brain thinking about throwing the ball in the water. I warned him over and over not to throw it in, but he did anyway. He was quite sad and couldn't understand why I wouldn't just climb down the rain covered ravine to rescue the quickly disappearing ball. He was quite sad and I felt bad that I wasn't able to get it for him, but I'm pretty sure the lesson was learned.
That night we had plans for dinner and a Whitecaps game with the company that Joe works for. A 20 month old in a restaurant is a little dicey these days but luckily one of his friends from daycare was there so he had a buddy to run around with and keep busy. After grabbing a bite to eat we headed to the ball game. It happened to be their busiest night so far this season with over 10,000 people! Seeing a Whitecaps game is on our summer bucket list so I was excited that this was what was planned for his company's summer outing. Turns out Rocco was maybe a little young still this year. He did a good job, but with such a big crowd and the game starting just an hour before bedtime...he didn't last much more than an hour after the game started. I look forward to trying again next year though!
On Sunday morning Joe took Rocco grocery shopping like he always does to give me a little time to myself, which I really appreciate! After he got back we headed to Mass. While Rocco is at an age that I regularly find so fun and can also be quite challenging now that everything is "mine!!" and he is constantly on the move. One of the first blogs that I binge read during those long nights of nursing a newborn was Grace's over at Camp Patton. She used to give her sweet babes "mass grades" and I thought it was hilarious. After Mass on Sunday I told Joe that Rocco's Mass Grade was a F. He replied "F-", and if that were a legit grade I would totally agree. It was a rough one for sure!
But all in all we had a great weekend spending so much time as a family! Looking forward to checking off some more summer bucket list items over the next few weekends and going on our adults only vacation in just two and a half weeks!
Much Love,

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Flashback to Father's Day: What a difference a year makes

I finally got around to uploading pictures from my phone to my computer after days and days of the warning popping up telling me I was out of storage space on my phone. Some of the pictures I moved to the computer were from Father's Day this year...
Which then lead me to look back at last years pictures too...
Such a sweet little's hard to remember him being that little! It sure is true what they say about the days being long and the years being short. I wish we could rewind time and enjoy those days just a little bit more.
Much Love,

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Summer Bucket List: Impression 5 Museum & Potter Park Zoo: Check!

Rocco is at such a fun age this year to go on all the adventures we put on our summer bucket list. The summer has been flying by, just as it seems to do every year. With only 3 official summer months in Michigan, we really have to pack in as much as we can in just a few weekends. We've been really lucky to have great weather on quite a few of our weekends so we've been checking off our bucket list items one by one over the past 2 months.
Last month we traveled about an hour and a half away with my brother and sister-in-law (my bff) and their kids to check out the Impression 5 Museum & Potter Park Zoo. Both of these stops were on each of our to-do lists for the summer so it made perfect sense to make a weekend out of it and go together.
The Impression 5 Museum had a really cool website and seemed to be a mix between a children's museum and a discovery center of sorts. Several moms had recommended it on a local parenting forum, so it seemed like a sure hit. Unfortunately I think we built it up a little too much in our heads because we were a little let down almost as soon as we walked in. In all fairness, our local children's museum is amazing and has so much to do for all ages. We can spend hours there weekend after weekend and the kids won't get bored. So Impression 5 had a lot to compete with.
This museum seemed to be more for a little bit older of an age group. There were definitely things for the littler kids to do...but not near as much as we had hoped for. My oldest nephew that was with us is 6 years old and he seemed interested in the learning aspect of everything (how a slingshot works, how electricity is formed, why bubbles float, how to build a bridge, etc). The younger kids (3 under 3) really just wanted to play and had very little interest in listening to explanations.
Overall we did have a good time and the little kids had fun as long as we kept moving to the next thing to play with.
We expected that we would spend half the day there but were in and out in about 2 hours...So we headed to dinner with 4 kids 6 and under which went surprisingly smoothly! Our original plan had been to head to the hotel after what we expected to be an exhausting day at Impression 5, wake up in the morning and head to the zoo. But since we were finished with the museum so early and our hotel didn't have a pool (parental fails all around!) we decided to head to the zoo after dinner so the kids could get out the rest of their energy.
This turned out to be a great plan. We were a little nervous we wouldn't have quite enough time since the zoo was set to close about 2 hours after our arrival but it was the perfect amount of time for the size of the zoo and the age of our kids.
These peacocks roamed free all over the and outside the gates..
Rocco loved just wandering around and taking it all in.
The rhino was definitely a huge hit amongst all of the kids...they couldn't get enough of him!
Rocco was captivated by the monkeys for a long time too!
We really are blessed to have so many fun, kid friendly places to spend our weekends. And even luckier to have friends and family to share our experiences with!
Much Love,

Monday, July 6, 2015

Rocco's Favorite Things: 18-20 months

I have a bit of an "online garage sale" shopping addiction so Rocco has more toys than he really needs. I'm not sure if they do these facebook online garage sales in other areas, but around here there are tons! My favorite one is very organized so I can just pop over to the "Toys" album and see what I need to see without flipping through hundreds of things I'm not interested in. I've had really great luck finding incredible deals on good condition/quality toys. It's hard for me to justify paying full price for toys now that I know I can find them for just a fraction of the price!
Crayola Board - I just recently bought this for Rocco. I was leaving for work one morning and saw a garage sale with this sitting in the driveway down the road from my house. I didn't have time to stop and figured it would be gone by the time I got home. I totally forgot about it while I was at work, but saw it sitting there still when I got home. Rocco and I walked down and scooped it up for just $10! He loves coloring with markers on it! He thinks it's real fun to sit on a kitchen chair and just scribble away. After just a few minutes his hands and clothes are covered in marker as well, but it's worth his excitement when he sees the markers come out!
V-tech Learning Walker - This was a gift for his first birthday and is still a hit! He plays with it in some way (pushing it, talking on the phone, pulling the music part off, using it as a stool, etc) daily. He wasn't walking on his own until 14 months and all the other walkers we had tried would move too fast and slip right out from under him. This one has a lever on the wheels so you can change how easy/difficult it is to push which was just what he needed in order to keep his feet under him while pushing it around.
Fisher Price Tricycle - Rocco's aunt recently grabbed this for just $5 from her neighborhood garage sale. I had mentioned that we were on the lookout for some outdoor toys since the weather had been great lately and he loves playing outside. This was exactly what I had in mind and he loves riding on it. His feet don't reach the pedals yet and I'm not sure he would grasp the concept of pedaling anyway. But our driveway has a slight slant to it and he loves saying "Go!" and picking up his feet and riding the hill down to the grass.
Dog Lovie - This was a gift from some good friends of ours before Rocco was born. I started putting it in his car seat with him when he was a few months old and started putting it in his crib with him at 6 months old (after checking with his doctor). He always had a tough time sleeping on his own from the moment he came home from the hospital. I read every website, sleep forum, mom blog, & sleep book I could find. I even posted sleep questions to a local facebook page asking for advice. Something that came up a few times was putting something near him at night that smelled like me. This seemed like the perfect thing, and actually helped him sleep longer stretches between waking at night! He still carries it everywhere he goes and sleeps with it every nap and night.
Playskool Vacuum - I bought this a few months ago from the online garage sale for $3! It was in perfect condition and a total hit! For some reason he has always loved our vacuum and is often by the closet we keep it in asking me to take it out. I carry him (30lbs!!) around while I vacuum and let him push it too and he thinks it's the best, so I figured he would think this toy was pretty fun. Best $3 I've ever spent! He plays with it every day still.
Radio Flyer Wagon - This link is a newer model than what we have, but essentially the same thing...just fancier. Ours was given to us by one of Joe's coworkers which was so generous and saved us a big chunk of money! Rocco loves being pulled around in it, climbing in and out, hiding Hugo's balls in the compartment inside, and pushing it around the yard.
V-tech Smart Wheels - I bought this on the online garage sale when Rocco was still way too young to use it, but it was listed for $5 and I can't pass up a good deal! Once he was strong enough to sit on his own he started playing on it and still plays on it almost every day. The legs on it flip around so when he was younger it rocked, and now that he's bigger we flipped the wheels down and he can ride it. It plays songs, says the alphabet, counts, etc. He loves dancing to the music and climbing on the seat to try to get on the entertainment center...
Cozy Coupe - This was another garage sale find. I don't remember how much I spent on it, but I know it was far less than it would be new. Ours didn't come with the yellow insert to keep their legs inside when they are smaller so that was a little bit of a bummer when he was littler, but he quickly learned how to make it go and pick up his feet so he can fly down the driveway!
I've been so lucky to be able to find such great deals on toys that Rocco plays with over and over. He's also been so blessed to have friends and family who spoil him regularly. He loves being outside and would be content just wandering around watching Joe mow they lawn, but it's extra fun to have cool toys to play with and share with his friends when they come over.
Much Love,

Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Trip Down Memory Lane: Rocco's Birth Story

One of the reasons I started this blog was to have a place to keep track of memories. I seriously have THE WORST memory! At least once a day, either talking with coworkers, friends, or my husband, someone brings up something from the past that I should surely remember and I have almost no recollection of it. There are obviously things that I do remember, but the details of events are always hazy the further from the event I get. Old age? Whatever the case may be, I thought it would be great to have a place to jot things down so I could look back at the details later.
I actually took notes in the notes section of my phone while we were in the hospital getting ready to deliver Rocco because I knew I would forget the details later.
I was due on Monday November 11, 2013. I had been having my weekly checks with my OB and the week before had no progression so I figured there wouldn't be anything new on that Monday either. At that check I was only dilated to a 1cm. We scheduled 2 non-stress tests for that week to make sure all was still well and we also scheduled an induction for that Thursday. The non-stress tests showed that everything was still ok, but we opted to go ahead with the induction.
Looking back I wish I would have waited it out a little longer to give my body a chance to go into labor on its own...but I was just so excited to meet him or her (we hadn't found out the gender ahead of time), that I got ahead of myself and scheduled the induction the first chance I got.
Joe and I were both excited and nervous the morning of the induction as we got ready real early in the morning. We checked in at the hospital around 7a.m. Once we were admitted and set up in our delivery room they checked me for the first time (8a.m.) and I was 3cm dilated and 60% effaced. I was really excited that I had made some progress on my own since Monday!
The nurse started the Pitocin at 9a.m. I didn't really know what to expect so we just hung out and watched t.v. waiting for something to happen. The Pitocin was increased every 45 min to an hour and finally at noon I started having contractions. At first it was exciting to feel the contractions because I knew that meant we were getting closer and closer to delivery. However, they quickly became really strong and really close together. By 1pm I was 5cm dilated and at 1:15pm the resident broke my water.
At this point my contractions were consistently 1 min long and 1.5min apart. I had TERRIBLE back labor and it seemed as if nothing could relieve the pain. It felt like I had no time between contractions to catch my breath. The nurse showed Joe how to put pressure on my low back during contractions...that helped a tiny bit, but not enough to really get any relief. I tried sitting on the exercise ball but that seemed to make things even more intense.
I knew from the very beginning that I wanted an epidural, but for some reason I had it in my head that I had to wait a certain amount of time to get it. So I pushed through the contractions until I was in tears telling Joe I needed the epidural 30 minutes ago. I made it to 3:30 which is the time I had in my head that I would wait until before asking for it...I have no clue why I was set on that time though. Of course the resident said she wanted to check me again before the epidural and at that point I was to 6cm.
After what felt like FOREVER, the anesthesiologist and his assistant finally arrived. I know it wasn't anyone's fault, but the whole epidural process was incredibly frustrating. My contractions were so close together and so strong that I felt like I couldn't breathe. Then they asked me to sit on the edge of the bed and bend forward "at the waist" (!!!) what waist exactly?!? My almost 41 week pregnant "waist" with monitors stuck to it that felt like knives were strapped to it stabbing me in the belly every time I bent forward?? They kept telling me I wasn't bending in the right place but there was nowhere for that huge belly to go! Eventually I was able to do what they were asking after I insisted that the monitors come off while I do it so I would stop being stabbed.
Although I had never heard of this before I head the anesthesiologist talking to his assistant about the tattoo I have on my back (very stupid 18 year old decision haunting me 12 years later!!) and how he didn't want to put the epidural through the ink (??). So he decided he would put it up higher than normal and thread it down but he "couldn't guarantee complete coverage". Excuse me?!?! The epidural itself didn't hurt at all, or maybe I was too busy focusing on the contortionism I was practicing while in intense pain while panicking about the fact that after all this I may not have the epidural I dreamed of during delivery!
30 minutes after the epidural I did start to get relief. I could feel the pain slowly becoming less intense even though I was watching the monitor and knew I was still having contractions just as consistently as I was before the epidural.
The nurse came back in and checked me around 6:15pm and I was 7cm dilated and 90% effaced. We were getting closer! I did notice at this point that I could feel the contractions in the right side of my back and abdomen, but not on my left side. The nurse suggested that she prop me up onto my right side and "let gravity" help the epidural get to the other side. I was skeptical, but it 100% worked! Within just a few minutes I had total relief again.
I was so comfortable at this point that we just hung out, watched t.v., texted with friends, and visited with a friend who works in the hospital that I delivered in. Around 9pm I was checked again and was told I was 10cm and 100% effaced, we made it!! I told the nurse that my epidural was so strong I literally couldn't feel a single thing and wondered if I would even be able to push. She suggested we wait just a little bit and let my body naturally help the baby descend and she would come back in a little while.
She came back at 10pm and said we would do a "practice push".  After that push she said we were ready to go! Since I couldn't feel anything at all, we would just watch the monitor for the contractions. In between pushing we were all joking around and watching Grey's Anatomy that happened to be on the t.v. in our room at the time.
After just a few pushes, at 10:41p.m. Rocco Louis was born! Joe was the first to see the gender and was able to announce that we had a BOY! It was definitely so surreal and exciting!
I got to hold him right away but they quickly scooped him up as they didn't like how weak his cry sounded. They didn't seem overly concerned, but they did have an extra nurse come in to check him out. In the end he was totally fine and they got him cleaned up and handed back to me to try nursing.
There were some complications after delivery for me, but I'll spare any future readers the details. It all seemed to happen very fast and was very scary, but after what felt like an eternity was under control. Once things settled down we were so excited to spend time just the 3 of us and just stare at and snuggle this sweet little guy!
Much Love,

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Summer Bucket List 2015

Summer seems to come and go so quickly every year and I always feel like it's over before we do anything very "summery". Last year was tricky because Rocco was still so little and napping and nursing so often. On top of it I was still gaining confidence as a mom and was always nervous I would be out in public not looking like I had any clue what I was doing. (Which I totally didn't!).
This year though Rocco is at such a fun age! He loves playing outside and doing new things. He's so easily excited and loves learning and discovering. It's so fun to watch him laugh and squeal and make sure we are paying attention every second to laugh along with him. 
I found that there are actually quite a few fun things to do either right in our town or a short drive away for Rocco's age group. There are quite a few parks around us and one or another is always a sure hit on a nice day.
We've already crossed a few of these items off our bucket list this summer. Some deserve their own post because of all the adorable pictures!
I want to remember every fun thing we did together...and what better way than jotting these memories down right here.
Much Love,