Friday, September 1, 2017

Dominic // 10 months

10 months.
21 pounds 1 ounce. He hasn't been measured in I'm not sure how long he is at this point.


Feeding Schedule
Still nursing every 3-4 hours. He's been refusing all bottles at daycare for the entire month. He was taking most of them pretty well and then one day he just quit. I tried older frozen milk, newer frozen milk, fresh milk...they've tried warming it up, not warming it up. We've tried different bottles, faster flowing nipples. He just won't take it. 
I've bought and tried several sippy cups. They've tried straws. He will take a few sips here and there from the Dr. Brown's blue sippy cup...but not very much. He goes most days with barely drinking anything at all the entire time he's at daycare.
He nurses some days when we get home, but other days he isn't interested.
He has been showing more interest in foods this month. Mostly finger foods like puffs, crunchers, pasta, grilled cheese, and casseroles. He does really like blueberry applesauce too.
He's still nursing 2-4 times through the night.

I have tried starting the night with him in the crib and a few nights he would stay asleep for 2-3 hours before taking him to my bed. Then he started screaming every time I laid him in there and then would refuse to sleep for hours. Turned out he had an ear infection so we are back to him being in our bed pretty much 100% of the time.
He wakes a few times each night to nurse but usually sleeps while nursing and stays asleep when I lay him back down next to me.
He is still napping twice a day (9:30 & 1:30) usually 1-2 hours each time. He goes to bed every night around 7:30-8:00pm.

He claps when he hears others clapping, when we ask him to clap, and when we say good job.
Says "buh" when waving bye.
Will repeat "mama" and "baba".
Shakes head no when we say "no way".
Loves throwing his pacifier and dropping things over the side of his highchair.
Favorite Things
Being held, sleeping in my bed, baths, watching his brother, throwing his pacifier, being outside, Hugo, and playing with the magnets on the fridge.

Least Favorite Things
Being left alone, bottles, sleeping all night in his crib.
He had ear infection number 5 and number 6 this month.
Lots of snot and eye gunk this month.
 Sibling Interaction

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