Friday, October 21, 2016

Dominic // 5 Months

5 months
 16 pounds 15.5 ounces.

Feeding Schedule
He is still nursing every 3 hours. I send 3 5oz bottles to daycare. Some days he finishes them and some days he doesn't. His pediatrician said we could start cereal if we want but I would like to wait until closer to 6 months.
The weekend after he turned 5 months old he took a 2 hour nap in the swing! Other than that he is held for all naps. He did have 2 nights where he slept a 5 hour night in his crib and one night in the swing. After those stretches he was up every 1.5 hours and all the other nights he's up very frequently wanting to eat or be held.
He is still taking 3 naps each day. 2 at daycare and one in the car on the way home.
We are inconsistent with swaddling lately. He seems to want to be out of it but he constantly startles himself awake if I don't put him in it. We are still using the Halo sleep sack swaddle when we use one.

He likes to grab at the toys hanging from his play mat.
He loves chewing on Sophie the giraffe.
He can hold toys in his hands and get them to his mouth to chew on.
He's big enough for the jumperoo at the lowest setting.
He babbles so much and so loud!
He likes chewing on my fingers too.
He's trying to roll...he can get to his side but not all the way over.
He can sit up for short periods of time if he leans way forward.

Favorite Things
He loves jumping in the jumperoo, playing on his play mats, being worn in the Solly wrap, and being outside.

Least Favorite Things
Being set down and sleeping without being held.
Favorite Gear/Products
Both play mats. We have an Infantino one with cute toys and music, and the piano one that he kicks for the music.
Halo sleep sack with swaddle.
Solly wrap.
He had a belly bug this month! I picked him up from daycare and they said he wasn't feeling well. On the way home I had to pull over and get him out of his car seat because he was vomiting and choking. So scary! The bug only lasted about 24 hours but it was awful.
We are still doing Zantac for his reflux.
His eczema has really flared up this month. He has large patches on his arms and legs, and a few spots on his back.
Sibling Interaction
Rocco is still being super sweet to Dominic. He loves checking on him and bringing him toys. He thinks it's funny when Dominic tries to watch his videos with him, but doesn't think it's so funny when he tries to take his ipad.


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